No, the $229 HP Stream 13 isn’t a Chromebook killer

Interesting description of setting up nearly identical devices with different software platforms. We get new devices every so often and the process of "unwrapping" the device and getting it up an running is an important part of overall experience.

Setting up a Chromebook and getting to work with the most up-to-date software takes about three minutes, maybe five if you’re slow. That’s not the case with the HP Stream 13, although it’s much improved over computers from just a few years ago.

Activating the online services is especially interesting:

Setting up Office 365

How exactly is this simple or adding to the user experience? It isn’t. Instead, it’s a frustrating, convoluted process that belongs in 1999. Compare that to the free bits included with a Chromebook, which you get by being signed in to a Google account and clicking a link.


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